Friday, July 24, 2009

What's new with Mimi

Okay, it's been a while since I've listedAmelia's accomplishments.

Here we go:

Can count to at least 16, and can also count objects. Meaning she can identify if there are 2 ducks, or 4 frogs.

Knows all of her colors: white, brown, black, pink, purple, yellow, green, red, blue, orange.

Can identify the following shapes: circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, heart, star, pentagon, and diamond.

Addition: knows what 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, and1+4 is...than ks to a song that we sing.

Songs: The number song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Ooh Eee Ooh Ahh Ahh Ting Tang Wadda Wadda Bing Bang, and of course, all of her songs from her kids shows.

She has grown up so much in the past few's almost like talking to an adult. Of course, she still doesn't know how old she is, and when you ask her what her name is, she has no idea, but we are still working on that.

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