Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Musings

Poor Mimi...she just got over a week and a half long cold that she refused to take medicine for, and just a few days later, she's got another one. This time, I tricked her by dissolving a Triaminic thin strip in a tablespoon of diet coke, and Austin and I made a big production of drinking this excellent diet coke in front of her. Naturally, she wanted some too, so I added another tablespoon or two to the cup with the medicine in it, topped it off with a straw, an gave it to her. Of course she drank it, so now maybe she won't have a face full of snot, coughing all night.

I just got back from Florida on Friday night, so Mimi has been super clingy, sitting on my lap constantly and getting all romantic, hugging me and stuff. So here it is, 6:30 pm and I'm hiding in the bedroom, behind a locked door. See, Mimi thrives on routine, and she won't do certain things if I'm around, like....go to bed. So when she is in the bath, I have to sneak away and hide until she goes to sleep, kind of like I'm not here. Right now, I can hear Austin and Mimi laughing up a storm, and I wish I could be there with them....but what's more important is that she goes to sleep at her normal time. On Saturday, I gave Austin a break, and he went to see a movie that started right around her bedtime. I planned on having her sleep with me, and due to the change in schedule, she didn't go to sleep until 11:00pm, screaming and throwing herself around on the bed when i tried to lay her down.

Moving on....I bought a bike a few weeks ago, and it was delivered right before I left for Florida. And here it is! No, that isn't MY bike, but that is the bike I bought, same color and everything. I lovelovelove it. Since we live so close to my office, I bought it so I could ride to work. Today was the first day. I was worried about the little hill I would have to ride up, since the bike has a single gear, but I only had to stop and gasp for breath once, which I disguised by pretending I needed a drink from my bottle of water in my backpack. Okay, we live 1.87 miles (according to mapquest) from my office, but I haven't been on a bike in years and my legs still feel like jello. But it was fun...I was smiling like a moron while I was riding home today. And then I rang my bell repeatedly at all the dogs that barked at me, and they paused, silent, acknowledging that I am the alpha. Okay, they were just surprised.