Sunday, December 7, 2008

At the playground

My girl is so sweet. And cute. Here's some pictures taken recently at the playground on Brooks. Austin takes her when I'm TDY and after I came back from Colorado in November, the 3 of us went together. Amelia loves the slide...and was more than happy to go down it again and again, until I got enough pictures.

Amelia is such a *kid* these days...long hair and talking and counting and being such a little person that we have almost forgotten what it was like to have a baby. Here is Amelia, one year ago (about 14-15 months old) at the same playground, shortly after we moved back to San Antonio. So tiny!

1 comment:

Ben August said...

Is this true?!? Little A grew *that* much since you moved back to SA??!! That is flippin' amazing!! Nice job, parents.