Tuesday, December 25, 2007

True Story

We went to Jack in the Box (a fast food restaurant) a few days ago, and the girl taking Austin's order *seriously* said to him "Are you the guy from that movie?" Austin asked what movie, and she said, "The one where the guy kills all those people" or something. She was talking about American Psycho, and the actor Christian Bale.

Even though people have told Austin that he looks like him before, he never believes me when I say it. Whenever I see a movie with Christian Bale in it (and there are a lot, like Batman Begins, and the Machinist), I have a hard time looking at Austin for a while afterwards, because when I look at Austin, I see Christian Bale's face, and I giggle.

If anybody doesn't know who Christian Bale is...here's a picture of him, and a picture of Austin to compare.

Not my husband
My husband


Felde Family said...

That is freaky when you see the two together! Well, maybe it is about time he uses his cute little face and maybe become his double or something!

Anonymous said...

he totally looks like Christian Bale! And Christian Bale is YUMMY!